Cincinnati Pedestrian Accidents

Pedestrian Accidents in Cincinnati

The National Highway Traffic Safety Association reported that in 2012 over 70,000 pedestrians were struck by motorized vehicles, causing physical injuries – and in some cases; fatality. Pedestrian accidents in Cincinnati, Ohio happen every day.

Whether they are hit while entering a cross walk, on the side-walk or on private property; pedestrians have rights to file personal injury claims just like any other individual driving a car. Understanding the facts about this law and how pedestrians can file personal injury claims is the best way to protect your legal rights.

Facts about Pedestrian Accidents in Cincinnati, Ohio

Whether you’re a driver of a car, a bicycle rider or a pedestrian walking down the street – everybody has to comply with traffic laws. In the State of Ohio, which is an ‘at fault’ or ‘tort’ state, any individual who causes an accident and is found ‘at fault’ can be held liable to financial damages. This also applies to pedestrians that are hit by a motorized vehicle or bicycle.

Typically children under the age of 10 are the most common demographic to be involved in pedestrian-related accidents. But it can and often does happen to people of all ages, genders and ethnic backgrounds. However, many insurance companies have issues paying out medical claims to pedestrians who may have exhibited minor negligence; and in some cases, refuse to pay claims on a timely basis.

What are Pedestrian Accident Laws in Ohio?

Drivers of any vehicle are responsible for being aware of their surroundings. This includes bicycle riders, physical landmarks and of course, pedestrians. People walking on sidewalks and crossing city streets in designated areas have the same rights and privileges to safe transportation as other law-abiding citizens in Ohio.

Individuals traveling on private property are also covered by pedestrian accident laws in Ohio through claims that can be considered property owner or premises laws. If an owner of property does not take reasonable care of their property to prevent potential accidents; they can also be held liable for any physical damage to pedestrians and the medical costs associated with this negligence.

How is a Pedestrian Accident Claim Filed?

Like most personal injury claims, anybody who is injured as a pedestrian due to the negligence of others is entitled by Ohio law to file a claim to the insurance company of the individual or entity deemed to be ‘at fault’. However, sometimes these claims take time to process, or require extensive paperwork that is difficult for people to fill out when they are trying to recuperate after experiencing a serious accident.

Professional attorney’s that specialize in representing clients who suffer pedestrian accidents in Cincinnati, Ohio can streamline this process; fill out all appropriate forms and battle the insurance companies and individuals deemed to have been negligent in causing these injuries on your behalf.